We have all grown up with Tupperware in our house but as I grew up I thought Tupperware no longer existed to buy new products. My mom still has her blue Tupperware canisters from when I was little in her cabinets. In my cabinets are old Tupperware I collected at yard sales through the years. Well my thoughts of only buying Tupperware at a yard sale was corrected this year!
Lily and I began to attend a new church that we have loved since our first day. We have become very close to the women that run the Mission Team as I have always volunteered to help any way we could at church. As I volunteered, I learned more and more about the women who ran these events. One woman had told me how she sells Tupperware and I was quite surprised to hear that. Then I found out that she has been selling Tupperware, very successfully, for 35 years! Over the summer, I had the pleasure of having a booth near her much loved Tupperware booth at the county fair. That week, I learned how much people still love Tupperware!
Last week, Ann and I were talking about how my body was hurting after working my shifts at Michaels and how I was having my doubts about it being worth the little pay I received each week. She then explained to me the benefits of selling Tupperware. The 25% commission for all my personal sales plus bonus commissions when you reach certain money levels and even more when you build a team of consultants. That all sounded great but I had my doubts (that is just who I am). I sold Arbonne a few years ago and it did not go well after my upline was rude to friends that were inquiring about the business. I knew that with Ann, I could trust that experience wouldn't happen again.
So, I went home and did my research. I had to find a company that wouldn't conflict with my handmade business because that is my first and foremost passion. I have friends that sell Thirty One (love the large utility tote!), Scentsy (addicted to the NEW Cider Mill scent!), Avon, Tastefully Simple and many more direct sale companies. Problem was each somehow conflicted with Red Shoe Affair. That was until my research proved me wrong!
I looked into what others were saying which was mainly positive (you always have a few bad apples). Having a personalized website was a big sell to me because most of my friends live across the country and world. Now, I had a place where they could reap the benefits of having Tupperware in their home and I could help that with a great experience.
So I am now hosting my first party this Wednesday and have my website up for anyone who wants to order these amazing products. Please visit it my website to see the vast variety of Tupperware products:
Meagan's Tupperware website Also, Like my Facebook Page to keep updated on sales that are constantly changing and new products introduced
Meagan's Tupperware Facebook Page