Saturday, August 31, 2013

Back to School Weekend Sale

As a single mom, I know that find a great sale at school time brings a smile to my face so for the holiday weekend I am offering 60% OFF my entire Etsy Shop. This coupon code expires at 11:59pm on Monday night. Don't miss this great deal!

*click on the picture to see the amazing creations for sale!

Friday, August 30, 2013

Expanding My Body Line

Lotion Bar
Body Butter
Lip Balm
I have been hard at work the past couple of weeks to expand my all natural, gluten free, chemical free body line. I have introduced Coconut Oil Body Butter, Lotion Bars, Brown Sugar Lip Scrubs and Lip Balms. Each product comes in many amazing different scents and feel wonderful on your body! Lily and I use each product that I sell in my shop so we can attest to how amazing and wonderful they really are to use! Check out my Etsy Shop to see the entire line of body products and all the amazing scents they come in!  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Single Mommy Plays Daddy Too

As I set out to fight my ex in court, I found this prayer today that I think is fitting for every single parent. My ex thinks that paying $146/month is to much for him because getting a job at Walmart is beneath him so he lives from job to job as a self-employed construction worker. I was so lividly mad when I got the court papers yesterday but today I am putting it in perspective. 

I am the one that is mommy and daddy for my daughter. I have taken care of her by myself since day one and I wouldn't change that for the world. All the kisses and hugs were mine to cherish and keep while he sits at his house alone and miserable. Having Lily motivates me to work a little harder to make sure she has what she needs in her life. She has a roof over her head, good food in her belly, clothes on her body, toys to play with and a mommy that loves her enough for 2 people. She has her moments of asking about "Daddy" but she will always know that it has been mommy that loves her and takes care of her. 

Moments maybe feel awful, negative and even vengeful but they are moments. We all have the choice to make the next moment a happy, loving one. Go have some happy moments today!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Skinny Doesn't Equal Healthy

In our society, your looks are everything or at least all the big, name brand clothing companies want everyone to think this. For 30+ years, I have bought into this notion that being skinny means your beautiful. After the health problems I have dealt with and weight I have gained this year, I have come to realize that being skinny doesn't make you beautiful but being healthy and loving your body the way it is does make you the most beautiful person in the world!

Since I was a child, all I ever heard from coaches and dance teachers was about watching your weight. In high school, I became so obsessed with my weight that I became anorexic. I would not eat for days and exercise ten times harder just to stay skinny so that I would be "fit" for cheerleading and attract all the "hot" guys. As an adult, I maintained a size 1/2 even after being pregnant. That was until this past year when my body decided that it was tired of my diet of energy drinks and crap foods. My body might have looked healthy to someone but it no longer felt healthy. Between the gallstones and IBS, my body decided it was taking control back from my unworthy hands. 

It has been a long struggle this year within myself about how I have gained weight to the point that I need all new clothes, not wanting to look at myself in the mirror and sending myself into a depression over this. After some soul searching, I realize it is not about how I look to myself or anyone else but how I FEEL about myself. As long as I am healthy and happy that is all that matters! I hope this inspires anyone else struggling with weight issues because you are beautiful!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of First Grade

I am walking around my house wondering what to do and how to deal with the quiet because Lily started First Grade today! Yes, I have waited for this day for weeks now. The days where I can work my butt off sewing and making body products without the every 5 minute interruptions but now that it is here I am walking around the house in circles! 

Now, I realize that it is not just Lily that I have to get into a routine with school but myself into a routine for work. There is so much that I want to get done but now I have to get myself motivated and organized..... wish me luck!

Back to school means that fall and winter are fast approaching and lots of shows to attend. So now is the time to keep myself motivated and work my fingers to the bones!

I hope every child has a wonderful first day back to school this year and each parent enjoys the quiet for a little bit! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Handmade for Christmas

I saw this one another handmade artisan's facebook page and thought that it is a wonderful idea to start this campaign early! Yes, Christmas maybe 120 days away but in 4 months everyone is going to be saying "wow how is it Christmas already, yesterday felt like Summer!" Don't let this happen to you!

Now, I shouldn't have to say this but I am going to say it anyway.... BUY HANDMADE FOR ALL OF YOUR GIFTS! The person who receives a handmade gift is receiving a lifetime of memories that can be passed down from generation to generation. With a 6 year old, I know that all a kid wants for Christmas is a toy, the latest toy, from Santa Claus. Instead of buying the cheap toy that will break before the next Christmas even comes along, buy a handmade toy that can be given to their children and their children's children. A wooden truck that is built to withstand a little boy playing rough or a raggedy ann doll that a little girl will carry with her everywhere! When someone buys a baby blanket from me, I always emphasize that this blanket can worth a million dollars in memories as it is passed down through family members. 

So before you go to Walmart, Target or the Mall this year to buy your Christmas gifts, look on Etsy or Handmade Artist Forum. See what wonderful handmade gifts are out there that your friends and family can love for a lifetime! 

* Check out my cute Christmas Countdown on the right --->

Friday, August 23, 2013

When Being Strong is All You Have

As a full-time single mom, I know that I have had great days and bad days but through it all my strength has grown leaps and bounds since I gave birth to Lily. I have endured the hard times with tears and heartache and reveled in the good times with smiles and laughter. Each year I hope that things will get a little bit easier and there are moments that do but each moment is worth the time I get to spend with my precious little girl.  For other single mothers out there, keep doing the amazing job you are doing because your raising awesome children that will grow up to appreciate everything that you did for them as a child!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where has the Summer Gone?

I was sitting here thinking about what to write today and I realized it has been days since I blogged last. Where did my week go? It went to 2 dentist appointments, creating new products for my Bath and Body Line, cleaning and getting Lily ready to start 1st grade. Then I looked at our calender and it hit me... WHERE DID OUR SUMMER GO? 

Everyone sets out with the hope to do lots of fun things during summer vacation. Lily and I created our Summer To-Do List but only accomplished about 5 out of 12 activities before the summer ended. Lily starts school on Tuesday which is hard to believe it is the end of the summer. We decided that we are going to continue our Summer To Do list into the Fall and add a few more fun things like the Pumpkin Patch. 

Realizing that the summer is over in a blink of an eye, I am grateful for the fun things we did get to do but I also need to slow down and enjoy each day as it comes. Each day is a gift and we need to appreciate each day we have with our loved ones.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Today We Are All Going To Be Happy

Groucho Marx really hit it on the head with how I am feeling on this inspirational Wednesday. Being in Al-Anon and having been to AA and NA meetings with friends, the groups all live on the theme Just for Today. On my forearm, I have a tattoo that reads "No Day But Today" (ok all you musical/Broadway lovers: what musical is that from??). Despite my constant reminder that we only have today to live, I am always forgetting and thinking about tomorrow or even worse regretting yesterday, last year or even 10 years ago. 

Groucho Marx reminds us that we only have today so be sure to be happy today. Things might be a struggle in my life right now but I feel lucky to have today considering we are approaching the anniversaries of the deaths of 2 very special people in my life. So be happy and live each day to the fullest because we never know when it will be our last today!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Diet Struggle

This picture has been me the past few months! In the past, I never had to worry about a diet because I would just lose the weight or the fat would never stay on my body. Yes, I know it sounds like I am bragging but I am just telling you my new found awareness to the diet struggle. I have friends and family that have struggled with their weight and tried many of different diets. They would lose the weight for a short period of time and then succumb to their cravings whether it be cake, ice cream, chips or whatever they desired. Now I am struggling with this same thing for the first time in my life. 

Each day, I set out to eat healthy and stick to my gluten-free diet and some days things are great. Then I get that ping and I want something bad.... usually something rich in chocolate, sugar and everything else bad for you. Yes, I am a choco-holic! I try to resist the urges and keep the items out of my house but when I get that ping.... it is all over. I live 2 minutes from a convenience store and end up there in no time when I need to satisfy this craving. 

The other problem to my weakness for my cravings, besides the weight gain and not fitting into any of my clothing, is that my IBS doesn't like my food choices. In the past few weeks, as my gluten-free diet has dwindled, my IBS has been paying me back for each delicious bite with belly aches and pains (to put things mildly). 

Well my pain of the IBS is overcoming the cravings now and I am setting out to get back on my diet. I hope that I can learn to keep my cravings at bay and my will power strong. Those struggling with a diet, we are all in this together so you are not alone!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Last Fun of Summer

Every kid wishes and dreams that summer never ends and every parent (or at least any that I talk to) wishes summer was over about a week into summer vacation. As much as I tried to make summer vacation fun for Lily, I truly learned how much money constraints can hinder the dreams of a kid wanting to do all the fun things their schoolmates brag of doing. We were able to go to the $5 Wednesday movies, spend time at the library and park and the entire week at the county fair. While riding rides and playing games, Lily enter every contest she could in an attempt to win tickets to Land of Make Believe. After placing 5th in the Kiddie Tractor Pulls, Lily won the tickets on the last day of the fair!

Land of Make Believe is an amusement park near us in New Jersey that is geared towards kids. They have roller coasters for little and big kids and a water park. One feature the kids love is Santa's summer home with Santa visiting the kids during his summer vacation. As a parent one thing I love is that they have a picnic area that you can bring your own food instead of paying for food while you are there. For a single mom that is a great savings and helpful with a child that is a vegetarian. I grew up going to Land of Make Believe and loved it. I can't wait to take Lily this week after she worked so hard to win the tickets!

*click any of highlighted links to check out Land of Make Believe's website

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Free Shipping Birthday Sale

Sunday was my birthday so for my Super Saturday Sale we are going to celebrate by having FREE SHIPPING with coupon code Birthday13 in my Etsy Shop. I have added a ton of new apron, handbags, body scrubs and more to my shop so go check it out!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

When It Rains.... It Pours!

Have you ever felt like when one bad thing happens, all of a sudden, many bad things happen at once? That has been me the past month. After trying to keep up with blogging everyday, I just couldn't do it any more because I was under so much stress.

After getting my wisdom teeth pulled last month, I ended up with an infection and on a high dose of antibiotics which seriously knocked me. The last time I felt that bad was when I was on antibiotics for Lyme's disease 3 years ago and it is not fun! 

In the meantime, I had to prepare for the local farmer's fair which I would have a booth for 8 days. I sewed aprons and bags day and night (when I had the energy which wasn't very often). I took inventory of everything that I was taking with me so that I could fill up my booth and make it look pretty. The fair came and so did the rain. The 2nd day of the fair my booth ended up with +6" of water underneath. Then the building's roof leaked and it started raining on top of the soaps. So we moved my booth to a drier location but the rain kept coming and people were staying home. The fair ended in sunshine but didn't make up for many days lost to rain. 

The last day of the fair and the day before my birthday, exhausted and ready for bed, I checked my mail and received my eviction notice. They want more money then I have before August 23rd or I have to move out. Well unless a miracle happens, we will be trying to find a place to live in the next couple of weeks. 

I can look at the upside, during the fair I made new friends and contacts for other vendor shows. On moving, I wanted my daughter in a different school system because she was not excelling the way she was at her old school. I love being creative and I would not change that for the world!

There is always sunshine after the rain!