Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 A New Year A New Me

2015 was not a great year for me... Not one of my worst year but not real growth was created in 2015 so I have big plans for 2016! I'm starting a New Year A New Me campaign in my life and my business'. I want to feel like an adult, a woman, a human with feelings again. With everything that has happened to me, I shut off my ability to care, to love, to feel. The consequences to shutting myself off was that I lost most of my friends, lost people I have loved and most of all I lost myself. Most days I have sat in my chair or any chair, feeling as numb to people as my hands do on a daily basis. It's not healthy for my mind or body.

So big changes are in store for 2016! I have been listening to Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project" on audible and have laid out a game plan for 2016. Some months will be harder then others but I want to smile again, to love and be loved, to feel happiness through my body and my life. 

As my poster states: This Year.....
A bad habit I am going to give up is eating snacks late at night or when I am stressed!
A new Skill I would like to learn is how to create professional makeup looks!
A person I hope to be like is the best self I can be!
A good deed I am going to do is continue to volunteer with Soldiers Angels!
A place I would like to visit is Disney World!
A book I would like to read the newest Nicholas Sparks book!
A letter I am going to write is to my children!
A new food I would like to try is jumbalaya!
I am going to do better at paying off my debts!

Now it's your turn whether you comment below or write them down for yourself to see, I encourage each of you to find small ways to better your life in 2016! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Bah Humbug Club

It's the time of year that people are supposed to feel more love in their heart then any other time of year... So why am I living the spirit of Bah Humbug? As a single mom, I feel more stressed out around Christmas time then ever and it seems to get worse every year. Danyella gets older and wants more things and those things get more expensive. I would love to cancel Christmas gifts and spend the money on the car I need to buy but the rest of my family doesn't agree with my theory of getting back to the true spirit of Christmas. 

Christmas is t supposed to be about what we get but what we give to others. I have tried to instill this as I raise Danyella but the world we live in is all about me me me. All Danyella really cares about is whether Santa is coming to give her the iPod she wants or the doll she wants or the other things on her list. I would rather have her buy gifts for other kids that need clothes or something special for Christmas and get away from the I want, I want, I want attitude. 

With the lack of Christmas spirit makes me not want to do any of our Christmas traditions like watching  Chrsitmas specials.... Doesn't help that TV has ruined how special these movies and shows are by running them on a loop everyday so now it's just another show. I used to love baking Christmas cookies but really could care less about baking them this year. Singing Christmas carols... Bah humbug. Driving around and looking at decorated houses.... Bah humbug. Even buying gifts for yo there... Bah humbug! 

I am not sure anything will change this attitude of mine before Christmas morning but until bedtime on December 25th, I will be putting on the fake smile and pretending (as much as I can act my ass off) that I am enjoying Christmas this year. Who else is joining me in the Bah Humbug club??

Monday, December 21, 2015

Leave the past in the past

So I decided to make Monday blogs.... My Love Life Monday or lack of love life! If you have read any of my past blog posts, you will know that my love life has been an up and down roller coaster. In my time of opening my heart to others, I have fallen in love, had my heart broken, married, divorced and dated myself. Love is not easy but it can be fun.... Or so I am told!

If I truly want to admit to myself about whom I have loved, it really has only been one. There are times where I mistaken feelings of lust for love but hind sight being 20/20, I now can see that those feelings were never actually love. Some of those feelings were my own desperation to want to love and be loved which ended in disaster. Never, ever push love because neither of you will ever be happy. 

So my post today is about leaving the past in the past... Meaning your ex or my exes at least. Almost 4 years ago, I met and fell in love with the man who still has my heart. Let's call him "Adam" since he looks like my #1 celeb crush Sdam Levine.  It ended badly the first time and it took me 3 years to date anyone seriously again. Don't get me wrong, I went on dates or would have "fun" with a guy (a girl has needs too) but I couldn't get past a few dates because I would find flaws in them. 

Then last January I met someone (let's call him Brown) I thought I could get serious despite the flaws that jumped at me, shouted at me and basically slapped me in the face. We dated and ended then he tried to apologize and try again. I thought about until I heard from Adam.... I was back in that whirlwind of love and with every call, every moment we spent together my heart fell harder and deeper. Until my birthday when it all ended and I have been broken hearted since that day.

During my 2 attempt with Adam, Brown tried to get back with me but nothing and no one could tear me from the love I felt in those months. After the breakup with Adam, Brown has come in and out of my life but has a hard time staying consistent. That is fatal flaw to me... If you can't find the time to take a couple of seconds to just text me then why should I put the effort out to create a life with you. 

After the heartbreak of Adam and the inconsistency of Brown, I have learned to keep the past in the past because when there are flaws it's rare someone will change to fix those flaws. Be happy for yourself not to be with someone. 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dance and Networking

As a homeschooling mom, I don't have much interaction with other parents which can be hard when you work in a networking marketing business. The one thing Danyella loves is her dance classes twice a week and those classes has helped me expand my networking market.

In a normal situation, I am extremely shy so I have learned to bring yarn and hook with my everywhere which strikes up a conversation with anyone and everyone. Most people want to know what I am creating, some people want to know how I learned how to crochet or knit (most people have nomidea there is a major difference between the two) at such a young age (I look like I'm in my twenties which feels nice at 34) and they all want to know if sell or take custom orders. 

After our initial crochet talk which has brought in orders, I talk about how I run 2 other businesses that bring together all 3 of my loves... Handmade, tea and makeup! I started bringing in samples of tea for my fellow tea lovers and gained sales for the holidays. Almost every class I would wear my amazing mascara, create a beautiful eye look and make my lips shine! The other dance moms and teachers would notice and compliment me. So for Christmas presents, the dance teachers were given Younqiue eye pigment, liner and lip gloss. My belief, like the tea samples, is that once someone tries something they will fall in love with it and so will their friends and loved ones. 

Networking isn't something that comes overnight but the way you create relationships over time. The person who may not be interested now could be the person who becomes your biggest customer or most successful team member in the future! Create those relationships with people you see all the tIme because those are the relationships that bring you success in the future! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Where has the time gone?

Each morning I wake up with this feeling of excitement that it is a new day. I am determined to get so much accomplished and check off everything on my to-do list! As I create my list, I think that I will get everyone of these done and it will be so easy. I set off to start my day and then turn around to look at the clock... Oh crap it's dinner time! Who else has had days, weeks, months or even years like this?

This has been a daily occurrence for months for me. I wake up with the right mind set of creating a successful, accomplished day then before I know it.... The day is over and my list has barely been touched!

Being December, my days are filled with making socks and hats for customers, homeschooling Danyella, placing orders for tea and makeup customers, ordering presents online, fighting with companies over lost packages (another post soon to come), and trying to find time to eat and sleep. One day soon I will clean and organize my product stock, my room, Danyella's toys and find my brain in this mess. One day soon I will read the book I checked out of the library that I really want to read. One day soon will be 2016 and busy season will be over and I will have a tiny part of my day back and I will accomplish my to-do list! My goal for 2016 is working on time management!