Have you ever felt like when one bad thing happens, all of a sudden, many bad things happen at once? That has been me the past month. After trying to keep up with blogging everyday, I just couldn't do it any more because I was under so much stress.
After getting my wisdom teeth pulled last month, I ended up with an infection and on a high dose of antibiotics which seriously knocked me. The last time I felt that bad was when I was on antibiotics for Lyme's disease 3 years ago and it is not fun!
In the meantime, I had to prepare for the local farmer's fair which I would have a booth for 8 days. I sewed aprons and bags day and night (when I had the energy which wasn't very often). I took inventory of everything that I was taking with me so that I could fill up my booth and make it look pretty. The fair came and so did the rain. The 2nd day of the fair my booth ended up with +6" of water underneath. Then the building's roof leaked and it started raining on top of the soaps. So we moved my booth to a drier location but the rain kept coming and people were staying home. The fair ended in sunshine but didn't make up for many days lost to rain.
The last day of the fair and the day before my birthday, exhausted and ready for bed, I checked my mail and received my eviction notice. They want more money then I have before August 23rd or I have to move out. Well unless a miracle happens, we will be trying to find a place to live in the next couple of weeks.
I can look at the upside, during the fair I made new friends and contacts for other vendor shows. On moving, I wanted my daughter in a different school system because she was not excelling the way she was at her old school. I love being creative and I would not change that for the world!
There is always sunshine after the rain!