Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where has the Summer Gone?

I was sitting here thinking about what to write today and I realized it has been days since I blogged last. Where did my week go? It went to 2 dentist appointments, creating new products for my Bath and Body Line, cleaning and getting Lily ready to start 1st grade. Then I looked at our calender and it hit me... WHERE DID OUR SUMMER GO? 

Everyone sets out with the hope to do lots of fun things during summer vacation. Lily and I created our Summer To-Do List but only accomplished about 5 out of 12 activities before the summer ended. Lily starts school on Tuesday which is hard to believe it is the end of the summer. We decided that we are going to continue our Summer To Do list into the Fall and add a few more fun things like the Pumpkin Patch. 

Realizing that the summer is over in a blink of an eye, I am grateful for the fun things we did get to do but I also need to slow down and enjoy each day as it comes. Each day is a gift and we need to appreciate each day we have with our loved ones.  

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