Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Calling Out Sick to Myself

 Mommy sick days... they just aren't allowed especially if your are a single mom! This past week I have been battling a head cold and sinus infection with a headache that won't go away. First and Foremost, I am a mom so I act like I am perfectly healthy for Lily's sake. (She didn't realize that I was going to bed when she was going to bed) It was a week of watching movies and relaxing so that I could try to rest as much as I could when she got home from school. While she was in school, I tried to do what I could but that drained me quickly. I would crochet for a half hour then sleep for 2 hours. Let's just say I didn't get much done this past week. 

I was talking to a friend about cancelling plans because I was sick and he said to me "at least you didn't have to call out of work". Yes, I did call out of work! I might not have to drive to my work but I didn't have to suffer the lose of time and money that could have been made because I was sick. With this job, I don't get paid sick time or answer to a boss that is going to bite my head off. No, I answer to myself and my finances and trust me I am harder on myself then anyone else could ever be! Getting sick was not something I planned but I take more of a hit from not being able to be on the computer or create something then a "9-5" job with paid sick days. Mommy's do get sick and we just have to brush ourselves off and pretend nothing is wrong. Lily knew I wasn't feeling good but I did everything I could to make her week as normal as possible because that is what Mommies do... sick or healthy!


  1. Thank You. After many doses of medicine and cups of tea, I am starting to feel like myself again :)

  2. I have two under 5, and sick days are no fun at all! It seems like I stay sick longer now because I don't have the luxury of resting until I'm better. I tell my husband that one day when I win the lottery (that I don't play, lol) we're going to hire a nanny to be on stand-by for mommy sick days. ;)

    Feel better!

  3. I am right there with you about hiring a nanny for mommy sick days! I couldn't imagine being sick with 2 under 5 so I am wishing you a very healthy winter!
