2015 was not a great year for me... Not one of my worst year but not real growth was created in 2015 so I have big plans for 2016! I'm starting a New Year A New Me campaign in my life and my business'. I want to feel like an adult, a woman, a human with feelings again. With everything that has happened to me, I shut off my ability to care, to love, to feel. The consequences to shutting myself off was that I lost most of my friends, lost people I have loved and most of all I lost myself. Most days I have sat in my chair or any chair, feeling as numb to people as my hands do on a daily basis. It's not healthy for my mind or body.
So big changes are in store for 2016! I have been listening to Gretchen Rubin's "The Happiness Project" on audible and have laid out a game plan for 2016. Some months will be harder then others but I want to smile again, to love and be loved, to feel happiness through my body and my life.
As my poster states: This Year.....
A bad habit I am going to give up is eating snacks late at night or when I am stressed!
A new Skill I would like to learn is how to create professional makeup looks!
A person I hope to be like is the best self I can be!
A good deed I am going to do is continue to volunteer with Soldiers Angels!
A place I would like to visit is Disney World!
A book I would like to read the newest Nicholas Sparks book!
A letter I am going to write is to my children!
A new food I would like to try is jumbalaya!
I am going to do better at paying off my debts!
Now it's your turn whether you comment below or write them down for yourself to see, I encourage each of you to find small ways to better your life in 2016!