Tuesday, July 9, 2013

No McDonald's For Me

I made the ultimate mistake this morning, yes the morning after having my wisdom teeth removed, I ate McDonald's for breakfast. Since yesterday morning's not allowed to eat rule, I have been craving anything salty! I think it is the whole notion that you want what you are not allowed to have because I couldn't stop thinking about wanting to eat everything I wasn't allowed to consume. Well I finally caved this morning! I convinced my sister to go buy me a Bacon, Egg and Cheese Biscuit (my long time fav breakfast meal) and now I am paying for it in more ways then one. Trying to eat it was difficult mainly because my mouth didn't want to open wide enough to bite down. Eating the sandwich would have made a great You Tube video because I either was finding unique ways to shove it in my mouth or I had it falling apart around me. The biggest boo-boo was that after eating as healthy as I can for the past few months, I ate greasy fast food which killed my stomach. Fast food is the big no-no for people that live with IBS. Within in an hour I was regretting my decision to cave into my craving. The pain from the IBS attack (cramping, heat flashes, etc) is worse then the dental work because it feels like someone is ripping your insides out through a tiny hole while squeezing and twisting. Just horrible pain. So anyone that is living with IBS or just got diagnosed with IBS.... DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD! 

That is my rant for the day.... Have a Happy, Healthy Day everyone and eat some fruit and veggies today!


  1. Wisdom teeth are no fun! I had a hard time eating as well and my pain meds made me sick...yuk!
    McD's always sounds good, but never ends up that way does it.

    1. The pain meds are making me very tired which doesn't get much work done lol. McD's taste great just never ends very well for me but it is hard to resist when you grew up as a kid eating it. Thanks for the comment :)

  2. I hate going to the dentist, and I am hoping my wisdom teeth can stay where they are.

    1. Trust me I put it off as long as I possibly could because of my fear of dentist. Fingers and Toes crossed that your wisdom teeth can stay put!

  3. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Some ice cream or Italian ice can help. Since my children were diagnosed with food allergies, no more McD for us. :)

    1. Since my daughter is a vegetarian and my ibs diet, we don't eat there often but that craving was more then my willpower to resist. Thanks for the well wishes.

  4. I still have all my wisdom teeth. I went to go and have them all four pulled out once, and I freaked out after reading the "warnings" about possible permanent numbness, left the office and never went back! I know some day I just might have to get at least one of them pulled. When I do, I'll remember your advice!

    1. I waited as long as possible since they have told me since I was a teen to get them pulled but I couldn't take it anymore. Good luck and I hope you won't have to get them pulled!

  5. I hope your teeth heal quickly! I've never had any issues with my wisdom teeth (only one grew partway in) but I can imagine it's not fun. :-( McDonald's always seems like a good idea in the moment, but it never is, haha.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes! Yes McDonald's is always good in thought just not good in reality for my body at least lol
