Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dr. Seuss to Brighten Your Wednesday

Today is Inspirational Wednesday and I came across this picture yesterday on Pinterest in the Do It Yourself section but the quote is what spoke to me. I am a HUGE quote person because words speak to my heart. I know that people have the sayings like "sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you" or "Actions speak louder then words" but to me words speak to your heart and soul in a way that actions will never be able to. 

I am an avid book reader and have been since I was young because the words on those pages told me things that adults couldn't show me. Even now, I become enraptured in a story because those words are showing and telling me that someone in my life has not been able to. Lily has inherited my love of books especially Dr. Seuss books so this quote by him seems very fitting at the moment. As a single mom that works for herself, there are always mountains to climb and stresses to relieve. Some days are easier then others but each day has its challenges especially on one income. Each day has its small blessings that I get to look forward to as I  am on my way to great places.  As the Dr. Seuss says, today is my day and my mountain is waiting to be climbed! Go climb your mountain today!


  1. Dr. Seuss was very wise indeed!
    Thanks for your visit!

    1. I could quote Dr. Seuss all the time, he was just brilliant. Thank you for stopping by!

  2. What a great quote :) And it looks so cute painted on the board.

    1. I want to paint this for my craft room this summer. It is a great idea for upcycling a piece of wood.
